Photos from the various dress rehearsals / performances on the festival. ( - some by Lisa, some by Rose, some by Chris Preissing.)

Cahoots and Collectives' invisible walls designed by Lisa Marks.
(photos in foreground by Sydney Nagel - just visible in the far background is Nick Barberio's "A Year of my Life")

Rose on a giant cone rampage.

Jon Eliot

Amanda Johnson, stage manager extraordinaire.

Ryland Barton, Jon Eliot, Griffin Sharps in the throes of Lamia.

Kathleen Gallagher in the throes of ?Corporel.

Kathleen and Nick in the throes of a three-hour-tour.

Another perspective on the weekend.

dal niente in the throes of Kirsten Broberg's OPENING
Linden Christ, voice; Austin Wulliman, vn; Peter Martin, pc; Isabel Castellvi, vc

Austin Wulliman and Andy Nogal

dal niente
front: Austin Wulliman, Isabel Castellvi
back: Andy Nogal, Linden Christ, Connie Schoepfin, Alejandro Acierto, Kirsten Broberg, Tony Arnold, Ammie Brod

Two of our gracious hosts, ZhouB and Nick Depeter.

Kathleen and Sean Griffin cutting to the chase. Back and to the right is Katherine Bennet's sound installation.

Nick and Tony
Random Polaroids from performance nights:

Onto the next big thing...
1 comment:
Nick - how are you? Ge tin touch. Lisa Ehrhardt Connors.
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